IoT'ization - Sharpening the 'Smart'ness of Digital World

January 17, 2019

The ability to communicate is the best blessing for mankind which makes the species different or unique from other universal creations. We Humans have evolved smartly over generations and now we are in a phase where the word 'Impossible' is fading from our dictionaries.

Thanks to the Internet in aiding us to transform all our traditional activities into the digital mode. The life has now become much easier and eager to learn the emerging technologies and accept them in our day-to-day activities. One such digital revolution is IoT (Internet of Things).

What is IoT?

Mr. Kevin Ashton is the first ever person to coin the word IoT in the year 1999, which can be defined as the network of all the physical devices bonded with sensors to transfer the data between the client and the company. The aim of the IoT Implementation is to enhance the device performance, provide quality customer experience and to win the competitive digital race while increasing the revenue.

As promised, IoT has really changed the functioning ways of different domains like communications, transport, healthcare, electronics and construction by its 'Smart'ness. We can also quote that IoT Is considered as the backbone of excogitating technology. But, as a coin has two sides, everything in this world comes with both boons and banes and this IoT is not an exception too. There are many threats associated with IoT and its implementation. Still, by following the counter measure we can endure only the positive aspect of IoT and can boost up the quality of Human life.

Results of IoT Revolution:

IoT has changed the world beyond imagination and we can now proudly say that the entire world is on our fingertips. There are numerous advantages of this miracle term which when listed can astonish you without fail.

Threats of IoT and Respective Circumstances:


Experience and Exploitation of IoT:

Example: Automation of Homes, Cars, Electronic Gadgets




Focus on what your organization requires before implementing the IoT mechanisms. Understand about the infrastructures, the thrust of customers, the scope of the product and then plan to use the suitable IoT devices carefully. It is also suggestible to increase the security standards of the respective organization which can increase the product or service value at the end.

"When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole... and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket."

- A Nikola Tesla quote

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