Weekly Threat & Vulnerabilities Report

June 21, 2024
Executive Summary
Trending / Critical Vulnerabilities
Exploit Activity and Mass Scanning Observed on Cytellite Sensors
Vulnerabilities abused by Botnet
Vulnerabilities Abused by Malware
PRE-NVD observed for this week
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Executive Summary

Trending / Critical Vulnerabilities

Current trending vulnerabilities offer insights into the latest emerging and widely discussed threats, helping to make informed decisions.

CVE-IDType of vulnerabilitySeverityCVSSAffected ProductExploited-in-WildEPSS scoreCISA-KEVZero-dayOSS
CVE-2024-6045Use of Hard-coded CredentialsHigh8.8D-Link wireless routersFalse0.0005FalseFalseFalse
CVE-2024-37902Path traversalHigh10.0Deep javalibraryFalse0.00044FalseFalseTrue
CVE-2024-30103Remote Code ExecutionHigh8.8Microsoft OutlookFalse0.0005FalseFalseFalse
CVE-2023-32191Information DisclosureCritical10.0Rancher Kubernetes EngineFalseUnknownFalseFalseTrue

Exploit Activity and Mass Scanning Observed on Cytellite Sensors

Telemetry collected from Loginsoft sensors were analyzed and processed to derive insights on what is actively being exploited and actively being scanned. As source of truth, source IPv4 addresses & payloads can be provided on need-to-know basis.

VulnerabilitiesProductSeverityTitleExploited-in-WildCISA KEV
CVE-2024-4577PHP-CGI on WindowsCriticalCritical argument injection vulnerability in PHP on Windows serversTrueTrue
CVE-2024-1709ConnectWise ScreenConnectCriticalAuthentication Bypass Vulnerability in ConnectWise ScreenConnect.TrueTrue
CVE-2023-38646Metabase open source/EnterpriseCriticalRemote code execution vulnerability in Metabase open source before and Metabase Enterprise before

Vulnerabilities abused by Botnet

Identified vulnerabilities exploited by botnets, including recent CVEs logged in Misp. Presenting the top 5 CVEs with payloads suggestive of botnet activities, like utilizing wget with IP addresses.

VulnerabilityProductTitleExploitAbused by Botnet
CVE-2023-1389TP-Link Archer AX21An unauthenticated command injection vulnerability found in the TP-Link Archer AX21 WiFi router.TrueAGoent, Gafgyt, Moobot, Miori, Mirai, Condi
CVE-2017-17215Huawei HG532Remote code execution vulnerability in Huawei HG532 routerTrueHinataBot, Zerobot, Mirai, Bashlite, Gitpaste, Beastmode, Enemybot, PerlBot, QakBot, Ircbot
CVE-2016-10372Eir D1000 modemImproper protocol access control vulnerability in Eir D1000 modemTrueBashlite, BrickerBot, Tsunami, Mirai

Vulnerabilities Abused by Malware

We proactively monitor the vulnerabilities which are targeted by adversaries. Each vulnerability is humanly studied and mapped with Mitre ATT&CK tactics and techniques. Source of information is derived from our vulnerability intelligence platform collected and curated information from various sources such as Twitter, Telegram, OSINT groups, Blogs, Data leak Sites and more.

VulnerabilitySeverityTitlePatchTargeted By MalwareOSS
CVE-2023-20867LowAuthentication bypass vulnerability in VMware Tools leads to remote code executionTrueUNC3886 VIRTUALPIE VIRTUALSPHERE VIRTUALPITA REPTILETrue
CVE-2022-22948MediumInformation disclosure vulnerability due to improper permission of files in vCenter server multiple versionsTrueUNC3886 VIRTUALPIE VIRTUALSPHERE VIRTUALPITA REPTILEFalse

PRE-NVD observed for this week

It refers to vulnerabilities discovered and potentially exploited before their official inclusion in the National Vulnerability Database. The LOVI Platform aggregates and distributes data from open sources and social media, currently tracking over 100 security alerts and planning to expand.

CVE-IDType of vulnerabilityProductReference
CVE-2024-5510Out-Of-Bounds ReadKofax Power PDFResource
CVE-2024-5511Out-Of-Bounds ReadKofax Power PDFResource
CVE-2024-2201Information DisclosureNative Spectre v2Resource
CVE-2024-5717Command InjectionUnified SecOps PlatformResource
CVE-2024-5719Command InjectionUnified SecOps PlatformResource

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